Tomorrow is Halloween! In the US, this tradition is honored by young and old: children dress up for trick and treat and grown-ups dress up for a different kind of candy...
One month before Halloween, certain stores in New York start to transform in specialty costume stores. You can find funny costumes (clowns, hilbillies, different food types and animals, cartoon characters), scary costumes (witches, skeletons, vampires, devils, ...), the "what's happening now" costumes (Obama, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, the Gosselins, etc) and then for some reasons, there is a big range of slutty costumes for the ladies (Playboy bunnies, French maids, Princess Leia's slave costume, etc). Apparently, certain American women use Halloween as an excuse to dress in very revealing, so-called "sexy" costumes. A strange phenomenon... I thought Halloween was all about dressing up in scary silly costumes... but on the other hand, I guess these "sexy" costumes can be really scary and silly on certain women. Makes you wonder what these women are trick and treating for?
We are dressing up for Halloween too (hey, when in Rome...) but I'm passing on the slutty costume trend. We are going for the funny silly costumes: rich plastic surgeons and their loyal upper class 5th Avenue clientele. We will be showing off our costumes in New York's Village Halloween Parade.
Happy Halloween!

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