Holiday Season Recap, Episode IDecember has been a very busy month for us (or how to open with an excuse for not posting more often). We broadened our horizons – geographically, culturally, historically and gastronomically – and what better way to end this blog year with a recap of our Holiday season? Today, Part I...

End of November, we started the Holiday season with Macy’s Thanksgiving parade in New York City (see my
previous post). We got up very early and by 7 am, we were already fighting for a spot close to the parade route at Central Park West.

People warned us that it might get crowded but we didn’t think that at 7 am (2 hours before the parade), we would only be able to secure a spot on the 10th row. But we did get a decent view of the parade – the wagons, the balloons, hundreds of dancers, big bands, acrobats, clowns – quite amazing, makes you want to shop at Macy’s!

We continued our Thanksgiving day with dinner in Washington D.C. Our American friends prepared a huge turkey dinner with very American-exotic side dishes (such as yams and a marshmellow Waldorf salad)

and delicious deserts (pumpkin pie and pecan pie). No wonder that the biggest discounts are on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving (see also my
previous post): you eat so much food that you need a new set of clothes! When the clock stroke midnight, we decided to take advantage of the infamous Black Friday discounts at the outlet mall in Virginia. There were indeed some really good deals out there but you had to be prepared to be patient: waiting in line to park, waiting in line to get into a store (sometimes up to 1 hour for the popular brands), waiting in line at the changing rooms and of course, waiting in line to pay. We made it back home around 5.30 am – exhausted, broke but happy.
Enjoy X-Mas and Newyear in NYC! You might expect a phonecall from the Hungaria-premises at around 6 p.m. NYC-time!