Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First days in New York...

... and yes, we are still alive! ;-)

We arrived on Saturday, jet lag left on Sunday, the furniture arrived on Monday, Internet arrived on Tuesday. And we saw that it was good.

It is a big adaptation and it surely will take a couple of weeks before we are finally settled, but rest assured – we are doing fine in the Big Apple! The transition was not as hard as I feared. The weather in New York is not (yet) harsh, our apartment is stuffed with our old furniture, and we (especially Ward) have been so busy that we have not yet had the time to get homesick!

So far, it has been a great experience even though I have not seen much of Manhattan until now. The Columbia Better Halves Club turned out to be a great starting point for me – I’ve already met many “better halves” in the same situation as I am. Monday night we went ice-skating in Bryant Park (wonderful setting, with views on both the Chrysler and Empire State Building) and tonight we will go bowling and afterwards clubbing. I feel very much a student again (which is not a bad thing)!

In the next posts, I’ll share my first impressions, and maybe some photos once I've had the time to wander around Manhattan!


  1. Zo te zien zijn jullie daar al goed gesetteld! Ik kijk uit naar méér foto's en verhaaltjes ;)

  2. I wish you both a happy New Year in New York!

    and I'm looking forward to be on site and see it by myself

